#@# filename = mm025.dat #@#-------------------------------------- ## x = 25 mm # # mass flux = 0.9752 momentum flux = 0.8761 # angular momentum flux = 1.0164 # twx = 0.00215 twz = 0.00187 beta = 41 deg # (twx, twz normalized with U0 squared; mass/momentum fluxes with their values at the inlet) # # y(mm) U(m/s) W(m/s) ### 26 3.0000 7.7211 6.6754 4.0000 8.4217 6.8432 5.0000 8.9559 6.9250 6.0000 9.4440 6.8844 7.0000 9.8762 6.9123 8.0000 10.2569 6.8466 9.0000 10.4965 6.9577 10.0000 10.6971 6.9010 11.0000 10.8896 6.8609 12.0000 11.0761 6.7989 13.0000 11.0903 6.7554 14.0000 11.1152 6.5671 15.0000 11.1926 6.6131 16.0000 11.1018 6.6666 17.0000 11.1102 6.4482 18.0000 11.1419 6.4585 20.0000 11.1034 6.3570 25.0000 11.0991 6.0456 30.0000 11.0678 5.6617 40.0000 10.8466 5.0785 60.0000 10.7304 4.0537 80.0000 10.2942 3.0299 100.0000 10.0859 2.0489 120.0000 9.9589 1.0389 130.0000 9.9038 0.7013 136.4136 9.9420 0.2777