# Friction coeff. of the outside (or concave) wall at Station D1 # file name : sd1out.dat # All data are non-dimensionalized by freestream velocity (16 m/sec) # at station U1 and the duct width ( 8 inch = 20.3 cm). NZ= 33 Z Cf 0.63000E-01 0.38595E-02 0.94000E-01 0.43284E-02 0.12500E+00 0.46270E-02 0.18800E+00 0.47402E-02 0.25000E+00 0.44573E-02 0.31300E+00 0.43331E-02 0.37500E+00 0.45295E-02 0.43800E+00 0.46644E-02 0.50000E+00 0.48429E-02 0.56300E+00 0.49724E-02 0.62500E+00 0.48942E-02 0.68800E+00 0.49035E-02 0.75000E+00 0.50143E-02 0.81300E+00 0.50766E-02 0.87500E+00 0.50571E-02 0.93800E+00 0.49817E-02 0.10000E+01 0.47981E-02 0.11250E+01 0.45230E-02 0.12500E+01 0.48526E-02 0.13750E+01 0.51090E-02 0.15000E+01 0.48819E-02 0.16250E+01 0.49045E-02 0.17500E+01 0.47297E-02 0.18750E+01 0.47666E-02 0.20000E+01 0.49064E-02 0.21250E+01 0.47363E-02 0.22500E+01 0.46520E-02 0.23750E+01 0.45220E-02 0.25000E+01 0.48687E-02 0.26250E+01 0.47912E-02 0.27500E+01 0.44630E-02 0.28750E+01 0.47373E-02 0.30000E+01 0.43412E-02