For driving the flow type database, there are 4 classes of flows, and then flow_tags, all of which are set in the meta-data block at the end of the case description page.
Flow classes
dbcase classes that can be set (a case can be in more than one of these):
Flow tags
The flow tags tested for in each of the above classes (a case can include any number of them):
free_flows: homogeneous, mixing_layer, jet, wake, curvature, rotation, unsteady, scalar
flow_around_body: 2d, 3d, streamlined_body, bluff_body, tube_array, unsteady, fsi
semi_confined_flow: 2dbl, 3dbl, surface_mounted_body, transition, separation, curvature, rotation, jet, unsteady, scalar, buoyant
confined_flow: 2d, 3d, channel_flow, constant_cross_section, varying_cross_section, separated, swirl, curvature, rotation, unsteady, scalar, buoyant